Being A Young Professional: Eight Months After

Well, guess what? I’ve been working for eight months already here in my first job! And, I am celebrating my 2nd month of being a regular employee here today! Isn’t that great? (As in here, because I am typing this article in my desk, waiting for 6PM and go home. And yes if you may ask, I am done with my work for today. 🙂 ).
I didn’t even noticed that eight months has already passed, really. But, I am not saying that I forgot that it is already two years since I graduated from college :-P. Indeed, I am enjoying the work I am doing. The work that is so challenging at first.. that becomes bearable after a few months.. and now, it became a part of me <3. Wow. That’s so dramatic! I must say, it does not stressing me out anymore like it did at first but still, it challenges me day to day. I am still looking forward to come at work everyday, strives to learn more and soon, might try another department (but still same work environment) to further improve and build my knowledge.
More than half a year working. I’d bought a new phone for me, for my mom, purchase some useful thingies for home use, paying monthly bills at home, living in my own means, got freedom on what and where will I spend my earned money, got a relaxing time from here and there. So what’s next? Maybe, I should be thinking now on starting to build what they call “financial freedom”. Slow down these enormous spending! Given that, I barely saved a portion of what I earned from the past months. Actually, I tried to save but it didn’t worked as I always think that I still have money to spend from my savings. Yes, say whatever you want, I am not really saving. That’s a typical of a young professional! Uhm, I am not that sure.
Can you just stop saying anything not too good about me? Here’s why. Haha. Awhile ago, I am looking on articles on investments and savings. A friend of mine urged me to read these kind of articles as he is convincing me to start investing on the stock market. It is exciting that I will gonna invest on Philippine companies already! But as I further read more articles, they say that before you invest, you should start saving for your future and build a separate emergency fund. These two are under the category “savings” on a budget but should be treated separately. Those articles motivated me to start tracking my expenses again today. I started tracking it when I first took the review for board examinations to adequately budget the allowance given by my parents and relatives. But then, I stopped because the allowances also stopped because I opted to self review at home for the second time. 😛 So, cutting these sentences short, I should start building these two savings fund before I’ll try to invest in the volatile stock market. Volatile, that means it is a high risk and you might not get the money you earned easily in emergency cases. Summarizing this, I think investing should not be my priority as of now.
Today, I promised to myself that I will start building these two funds starting in the next pay day, with atleast 15% of my income to be automatically saved and set aside for it.
In chronological order: Savings. Bills to Pay. Living Expenses. Budget for Leisure (or just put it to savings again).
May I be a good follower of my self established rule!