First Week on First Job

On my first post here in my new blog, I had said that I will start working very soon! And, this will be my first job as a young professional. Sounds good. Finally. 🙂
Given that, this post will tackle about my preparation and my first week on my first job. 😀
Pre-Employment Requirements
I am partially prepared for this since I am able to get my SSS, PhilHealth and Pag-ibig number when I planned to work a year ago (just planned :-P). However, there are some requirements that I still need to fulfill. I must renew my NBI clearance since it will be expiring this month, as well as to have my medical examination.
NBI Clearance: Hit Oh Hit.
Nah! On the unfortunate side, I am not able to complete the pre-employment requirements! This thing started on my NBI clearance. Since NBI is now using the “online application” scheme, I thought it will be much easier and faster. But no. I’d been more tired and unsatisfied this time compared to my first application last year. Afte applying online, I went to NBI Tarlac District Office to pay the clearance fee. I am so happy that few were waiting on line there. But, an agent told me that they had no receipt and I should pay the clearance fee on the post office. Since it is the nearest Bayad Center post. Yes, it is just nearby. But hey! I already pass on that post office, walking, and trying to get my luck into NBI. Then you will tell me that you guys can’t accept payment here? Oh well, that thoughts only settled on ny weird brain. They never came out on my kissable lips. Haha! So, what can I do? I went back to PHLPOST and to my surprise the line for cashier on the NBI was transferred here. And one more, instead of paying the P115 clearance fee, I paid P140, an additional P25 for service charge together with the hassle of going to two separate offices. Good business model huh? Maybe, I will be happy if they let me pay via GCash as it will be a lot easier. It is included on the options of payment but disabled due to a “technical difficulty” which I suspected that it is on that state for days or weeks already. Just like the “on-going maintenance” notices that are posted for years on several LRT and MRT train terminals. Oh, government! After the agony of standing in queue of Bayad Center’s cashier, I went back to NBI to have my fingerprints and photo taken. It is considerably more faster by now since I am inside the clearance center after only a couple of minutes, not hours. I thought my experience would be pretty okay but it wasn’t. The computer returned a response that I have a HIT! How could it happen on Earth? I am the only one who had that name! Haha. (Most probably). Anyway, I accepted that and the agent advised me to go back by next week to claim my clearance. Oops! How can I even claim my clearance next week? I’ll be working by then! And, yes. My dad is on the rescue! Created an authorization letter, even if I am not sure if it will be read by the official-in-charge, and gave it to my father.
Mighty White Blood Cells
I failed the medical exam on my first attempt. It is due to a high WBC (white blood cell) count on my hematology results. Oh! Those mighty warriors are probably in fight with some foreign species. It is further said that it is due to an infection as seen on my urinalysis result. I wonder how could it happen since I drink water a lot and very less soda and junk foods. My y doctor advised me to take antibacterial drugs for a week and have my blood and urine test repeated after. I am afraid at first since I will not be having complete requirements when I’ll b reporting on Monday. However, I am being positive that results will be okay by then because I do not want to do ultrasound and other verifying laboratory exams. As we all know, these tests are expensive (Became way beyond my primary budget for this.) and will give great stress for a person looking/preparing for a job like me.
Despite of having incomplete requirements, ASSET still allowed me to start my training. They are really in need? I guess?
First Day
October 12. It is my first day on my first job at Analytical Support Services for Environmental Technologies, Inc. Company’s name is somewhat a blend of a tongue twister and a complicated statement right? So, it is usually called ASSET Laboratories or Analytical Support Services by many. It is good to know that I already know some of the analyst/chemist here. Some are my co-TSU alumnus and people I had already met before. It feels that I am warmly welcomed especially by the HR/Purchasing Officer of the company. Together with a not-so-new comeback analyst, she oriented us on everything we should know about the company, conducted a laboratory tour and the common Hi’s and Hello’s to people I’m looking forward to be my workmates for the coming couple of months? years? Who would know?
Second Day and so on
The next day, I went to the office without even knowing what to do! Oh my. Me like “Ganito ba talaga pag first job?”. I just waited for someone to approach me as the HR is currently on leave. After waiting for almost an hour, the supervisor on the lab endorsed me to the technical department supervisor. Yipee. I’ll be doing technical support thingie. This is somewhat exciting as I prefer not to work inside the laboratory for now. The technical support supervisor will be my immediate superior and will be the one to orient me on my tasks and will prepare a training program for me. The training will typically last for a month before you’ll be freed by your trainer and be a certified master on technical support. 😛
My first week has been a read-nap-wait period. Nap here is while still sitting properly. Haha. I had read several manuals of the company, including but not limited to SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) of the laboratory and technical department. Primarily, my job is to provide support for the lab analyst in the US. Analyze the instrument (located in US) output and prepare the necessary documents for review of the Quality Assurance Manager. Basically, I will be like a virtual analyst of the laboratory in the United States. I’ll be controlling the PCs and instruments through internet, specifically through Remote Desktop connection (RDP) and Team Viewer. I am seeing this job a bit hard but I know I will enjoy this since these are the things I am interested at. One thing I had noticed too is that license is not primarily needed for this job. It is because will not be signing any document (In contrast with actual laboratory job). Well, it is fine since this job will be defintely a good training for instrumentation.
I only managed to report for four days during my first week as I need to attend the Oath-Taking Ceremony for New Chemists on Manila. This is quickly allowed by our boss and been considered as an official leave. Official leave sa unang linggo? Why not? Haha. Well, I need to report on office by Friday, continuing the tons of PDF files needed to be read.
Fitting in
There isn’t much spice on this first week as I barely need to adjust. I already know most of the analyst and the others are quite easy to approach. Well, let’s see how things had gone after a few weeks or so. Will I fit for the job here in ASSET? 🙂